
Class: Catalog

RDF Class dcat:Catalog
Definition A curated collection of metadata about resources (e.g., datasets and data services in the context of a data catalog)
Usage note A Web-based data catalog is typically represented as a single instance of this class.

Catalog Property: description

RDF Property dct:description
Definition This property contains a free-text account of the Catalogue. This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the description.
Range rdfs:Literal
Requirement level mandatory
Cardinality 1..n

Catalog Property: publisher

RDF Property dct:publisher
Definition This property refers to an entity (organisation) responsible for making the Catalogue available.
Range Agent
Requirement level mandatory
Cardinality 1

Catalog Property: title

RDF Property dct:title
Definition This property contains a name given to the Catalogue. This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the name.
Range rdfs:Literal
Requirement level mandatory
Cardinality 1..n

Catalog Property: dataset

RDF Property dcat:dataset
Definition This property links the Catalogue with a Dataset that is part of the Catalogue.
Range Dataset
Requirement level recommended
Cardinality 0..n

Catalog Property: homepage

RDF Property foaf:homepage
Definition This property refers to a web page that acts as the main page for the Catalogue.
Range Web URI (of type Document)
Requirement level recommended
Cardinality 0..1

Catalog Property: language

RDF Property dct:language
Definition This property refers to a language used in the textual metadata describing titles, descriptions, etc. of the Datasets in the Catalogue. This property can be repeated if the metadata is provided in multiple languages.
Range Term from Vocabulary: Language (of type Linguistic System)
Requirement level recommended
Cardinality 0..n

Catalog Property: release date

RDF Property dct:issued
Definition This property contains the date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the Catalogue.
Range rdfs:Literal typed as xsd:date
Requirement level recommended
Cardinality 0..1

Catalog Property: spatial/geographic

RDF Property dct:spatial
Definition This property refers to a geographical area covered by the Catalogue.
Range Term from Vocabulary: Country (of type Location)
Requirement level recommended
Cardinality 0..n

Catalog Property: themes

RDF Property dcat:themeTaxonomy
Definition This property refers to a knowledge organization system used to classify the Catalogue's Datasets.
Range Vocabulary: Data theme (of type Category Scheme)
Requirement level recommended
Cardinality 0..n

Catalog Property: update/modification date

RDF Property dct:modified
Definition This property contains the most recent date on which the Catalogue was modified.
Range rdfs:Literal typed as xsd:dateTime
Requirement level recommended
Cardinality 0..1

Class: Dataset

RDF Class dcat:Dataset
Definition A collection of data, published or curated by a single agent, and available for access or download in one or more representations.
Usage note This class describes the conceptual dataset. One or more representations might be available, with differing schematic layouts and formats or serializations.

Dataset Property: description

RDF Property dct:description
Definition This property contains a free-text account of the Dataset. This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the description.
Range rdfs:Literal
Requirement level mandatory
Cardinality 1..n

Dataset Property: title

RDF Property dct:title
Definition This property contains a name given to the Dataset. This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the name.
Range rdfs:Literal
Requirement level mandatory
Cardinality 1..n

Dataset Property: contact point

RDF Property dcat:contactPoint
Definition This property contains contact information that can be used for sending comments about the Dataset.
Range vcard:Kind
Requirement level recommended
Cardinality 0..n

Dataset Property: dataset distribution

RDF Property dcat:distribution
Definition This property links the Dataset to an available Distribution.
Range Distribution
Requirement level recommended
Cardinality 0..n

Dataset Property: keyword/tag

RDF Property dcat:keyword
Definition This property contains a keyword or tag describing the Dataset.
Range rdfs:Literal
Requirement level recommended
Cardinality 0..n

Dataset Property: publisher

RDF Property dct:publisher
Definition This property refers to an entity (organisation) responsible for making the Dataset available.
Range Agent
Requirement level recommended
Cardinality 0..1

Dataset Property: spatial/geographical coverage

RDF Property dct:spatial
Definition This property refers to a geographic region that is covered by the Dataset.
Range Term from Vocabulary: GeoNames (of type Location) or other value of type Location
Requirement level recommended
Cardinality 0..n

Dataset Property: theme/category

RDF Property dcat:theme
Definition This property refers to a category of the Dataset. A Dataset may be associated with multiple themes.
Range Term from Vocabulary: Data theme (of type Category)
Requirement level recommended
Cardinality 0..n

Dataset Property: frequency

RDF Property dct:accrualPeriodicity
Definition This property refers to the frequency at which the Dataset is updated.
Range Term from Vocabulary: Frequency (of type Frequency)
Requirement level optional
Cardinality 0..1

Dataset Property: identifier

RDF Property dct:identifier
Definition This property contains the main identifier for the Dataset, e.g. the URI or other unique identifier in the context of the Catalogue.
Range rdfs:Literal
Requirement level optional
Cardinality 0..n

Dataset Property: landing page

RDF Property dcat:landingPage
Definition This property refers to a web page that provides access to the Dataset, its Distributions and/or additional information. It is intended to point to a landing page at the original data provider, not to a page on a site of a third party, such as an aggregator.
Range Web URI (of type Document)
Requirement level optional
Cardinality 0..n

Dataset Property: language

RDF Property dct:language
Definition This property refers to a language of the Dataset. This property can be repeated if there are multiple languages in the Dataset.
Range Term from Vocabulary: Language (of type Linguistic System)
Requirement level optional
Cardinality 0..n

Dataset Property: release date

RDF Property dct:issued
Definition This property contains the date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the Dataset.
Range rdfs:Literal
Requirement level optional
Cardinality 0..1

Dataset Property: update/modification date

RDF Property dct:modified
Definition This property contains the most recent date on which the Dataset was changed or modified.
Range rdfs:Literal
Requirement level optional
Cardinality 0..1

Dataset Property: version

RDF Property owl:versionInfo
Definition This property contains a version number or other version designation of the Dataset.
Range rdfs:Literal
Requirement level optional
Cardinality 0..1
RDF Property foaf:logo
Definition A logo representing some thing.
Range Web URI (of type Image)
Requirement level Optional
Cardinality 0..1

Dataset Property: supplement document

RDF Property foaf:page
Definition This property refers to a document about this Dataset.
Range Web URI (of type Document)
Requirement level optional
Cardinality 0..n

Class: Distribution

RDF Class dcat:Distribution
Definition A specific representation of a dataset. A dataset might be available in multiple serializations that may differ in various ways, including natural language, media-type or format, schematic organization, temporal and spatial resolution, level of detail or profiles (which might specify any or all of the above).
Usage note This represents a general availability of a dataset. It implies no information about the actual access method of the data, i.e. whether by direct download, API, or through a Web page. The use of dcat:downloadURL property indicates directly downloadable distributions.

Distribution Property: access URL

RDF Property dcat:accessURL
Definition This property contains a URL that gives access to a Distribution of the Dataset. The resource at the access URL may contain information about how to get the Dataset.
Range Web URI
Requirement level mandatory
Cardinality 1..n

Distribution Property: description

RDF Property dct:description
Definition This property contains a free-text account of the Distribution. This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the description.
Range rdfs:Literal
Requirement level recommended
Cardinality 0..n

Distribution Property: format

RDF Property dct:format
Definition This property refers to the file format of the Distribution.
Range Term from Vocabulary: File type (of type Media Type Or Extent)
Requirement level recommended
Cardinality 0..1

Distribution Property: license

RDF Property dcat:license
Definition This property refers to the licence under which the Distribution is made available.
Range Term from Vocabulary: License (of type dct:LicenseDocument)
Requirement level recommended
Cardinality 0..1

Distribution Property: byte size

RDF Property dcat:byteSize
Definition This property contains the size of a Distribution in bytes.
Range rdfs:Literal typed as xsd:decimal
Requirement level optional
Cardinality 0..1

Distribution Property: download URL

RDF Property dcat:downloadURL
Definition This property contains a URL that is a direct link to a downloadable file in a given format.
Range Web URI
Requirement level optional
Cardinality 0..n

Distribution Property: language

RDF Property dct:language
Definition This property refers to a language used in the Distribution. This property can be repeated if the metadata is provided in multiple languages.
Range Term from Vocabulary: Language (of type Linguistic System)
Requirement level optional
Cardinality 0..n

Distribution Property: media type

RDF Property dcat:mediaType
Definition This property refers to the media type of the Distribution as defined in the official register of media types managed by IANA.
Range Term from Vocabulary: Media type (of type Media Type)
Requirement level optional
Cardinality 0..1

Distribution Property: release date

RDF Property dct:issued
Definition This property contains the date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the Distribution.
Range rdfs:Literal typed as xsd:dateTime
Requirement level optional
Cardinality 0..1

Distribution Property: status

RDF Property adms:status
Definition The status of the distribution in the context of maturity lifecycle. It MUST take one of the values: Completed, Deprecated, Under Development, Withdrawn.
Range Term from Vocabulary: Status (of type Category)
Requirement level optional
Cardinality 0..1

Distribution Property: title

RDF Property dct:title
Definition This property contains a name given to the Distribution. This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the description.
Range rdfs:Literal
Requirement level optional
Cardinality 0..n

Distribution Property: update/modification date

RDF Property dct:modified
Definition This property contains the most recent date on which the Distribution was changed or modified.
Range rdfs:Literal typed as xsd:dateTime
Requirement level optional
Cardinality 0..1

Distribution Property: validity date

RDF Property dct:valid
Definition Date of validity of a distribution.
Range rdfs:Literal typed as xsd:date
Requirement level Optional
Cardinality 0..1

Distribution Property: supplement document

RDF Property foaf:page
Definition This property refers to a document about this Distribution.
Range Web URI (of type Document)
Requirement level optional
Cardinality 0..n

Distribution Property: openness score

RDF Property dcatappl:opennessScore
Definition Level of openness of data.
Range Term from Vocabulary: Openness score (of type Category)
Requirement level recommended
Cardinality 0..1

Distribution Property: special sign

RDF Property dcatappl:specialSign
Definition Text that can be used inside distribution's tabular file (eg. csv, xlsx) with special meaning.
Range Term from Vocabulary: Special sign (of type Category)
Requirement level optional
Cardinality 0..n

Class: Agent

RDF Class foaf:Agent
Definition An agent (eg. person, group, software or physical artifact).

Agent Property: name

RDF Property foaf:name
Definition This property contains a name of the agent. This property can be repeated for different versions of the name (e.g. the name in different languages)
Range rdfs:Literal
Requirement level mandatory
Cardinality 1..n

Agent Property: type

RDF Property dct:type
Definition This property refers to a type of the agent that makes the Catalogue or Dataset available
Range Term from Vocabulary: Publisher type (of type Category)
Requirement level recommended
Cardinality 0..1

Agent Property: personal mailbox

RDF Property foaf:mbox
Definition A personal mailbox, ie. an Internet mailbox associated with exactly one owner.
Range rdfs:Literal
Requirement level optional
Cardinality 0..n

Agent Property: homepage

RDF Property foaf:homepage
Definition A homepage for some thing.
Range Web URI (of type Document)
Requirement level optional
Cardinality 0..n

Agent Property: regon

RDF Property dcatappl:regon
Definition REGON of an agent.
Range rdfs:Literal
Requirement level optional
Cardinality 0..1

Class: Kind

RDF Class vcard:Kind
Definition The class Kind is the parent class for the four explicit types of vCards (Individual, Organization, Location, Group).
Usage note A description following the vCard specification, e.g. to provide telephone number and e-mail address for a contact point.

Kind Property: formatted name

RDF Property vcard:fn
Definition The formatted text corresponding to the name of the object.
Range rdfs:Literal
Requirement level mandatory
Cardinality 1..n

Kind Property: email

RDF Property vcard:hasEmail
Definition To specify the electronic mail address for communication with the object.
Range rdfs:Literal
Requirement level recommended
Cardinality 1..n

Class: Location

RDF Class dct:Location
Definition A spatial region or named place.
Usage note It can be represented using a controlled vocabulary or with geographic coordinates. In the latter case, the use of the Core Location Vocabulary is recommended, following the approach described in the GeoDCAT-AP specification.

Location Property: centroid

RDF Property dcat:centroid
Definition This property refers to the geographic center (centroid) of a resource.
Range rdfs:Literal
Requirement level recommended
Cardinality 0..1

Location Property: scheme

RDF Property skos:inScheme
Definition This property contains vocabulary URI. This property is shown when its class node references term of some vocabulary.
Used for validation purposes.
Range Web URI (of type Category Scheme)
Requirement level recommended
Cardinality 0..1

Class: Media Type Or Extent

RDF Class dct:MediaTypeOrExtent
Definition A media type or extent, e.g. the format of a computer file.
Usage note This class is only used to define type of the value of Distribution Property: format.
Used for validation purposes.

Media Type Or Extent Property: scheme

RDF Property skos:inScheme
Definition This property contains vocabulary URI. This property is shown when its class node references term of some vocabulary.
Used for validation purposes.
Range Web URI (of type Category Scheme)
Requirement level mandatory
Cardinality 1

Class: Linguistic System

RDF Class dct:LinguisticSystem
Definition A media type or extent, e.g. the format of a computer file.
Usage note This class is only used to define type of the value of the following properties:
- Catalog Property: language
- Dataset Property: language
- Distribution Property: language
Used for validation purposes.

Linguistic System Property: scheme

RDF Property skos:inScheme
Definition This property contains vocabulary URI. This property is shown when its class node references term of some vocabulary.
Used for validation purposes.
Range Web URI (of type Category Scheme)
Requirement level mandatory
Cardinality 1

Class: Frequency

RDF Class dct:Frequency
Definition A rate at which something recurs, e.g. the publication of a Dataset.
Usage note This class is only used to define type of the value of Dataset Property: frequency.
Used for validation purposes.

Frequency: scheme

RDF Property skos:inScheme
Definition This property contains vocabulary URI. This property is shown when its class node references term of some vocabulary.
Used for validation purposes.
Range Web URI (of type Category Scheme)
Requirement level mandatory
Cardinality 1

Class: Media Type

RDF Class dct:MediaType
Definition A media type, e.g. the format of a computer file.
Usage note This class is only used to define type of the value of Distribution Property: media type.
Used for validation purposes.

Class: Document

RDF Class foaf:Document
Definition The Document class represents those things which are, broadly conceived, 'documents'.
Usage note This class is only used to define type of the value of the following properties:
- Catalog Property: homepage
- Dataset Property: landing page
- Agent Property: homepage
- Dataset Property: supplement document
- Distribution Property: supplement document
Used for validation purposes.

Class: Image

RDF Class foaf:Image
Definition This class is a sub-class of Document corresponding to those documents which are images. Digital images (such as JPEG, PNG, GIF bitmaps, SVG diagrams etc.) are examples of Image.
Usage note This class is only used to define type of the value of Dataset Property: logo.
Used for validation purposes.

Class: Category

RDF Class skos:Concept
Definition Concept. Term of Vocabulary.
Usage note This class is only used to define type of the value of the following properties:
- Dataset Property: theme/category
- Distribution Property: status
- Agent Property: type
- Distribution Property: openness score
- Distribution Property: special sign
Used for validation purposes.

Category: preferred label

RDF Property skos:prefLabel
Definition This property contains a preferred label of the category. This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the label.
Range rdfs:Literal
Requirement level mandatory
Cardinality 1

Category: scheme

RDF Property skos:inScheme
Definition This property contains vocabulary URI. This property is shown when its class node references term of some vocabulary.
Used for validation purposes.
Range Web URI (of type Category Scheme)
Requirement level mandatory
Cardinality 1

Class: Category Scheme

RDF Class skos:ConceptScheme
Definition Category Scheme. Vocabulary.
Usage note This class is only used to define type of the value of the following properties:
- Catalog Property: themes
- Location Property: scheme
- Media Type Or Extent Property: scheme
- Linguistic System Property: scheme
- Frequency: scheme
- Category: scheme
Used for validation purposes.

Category Scheme: name

RDF Property dct:title
Definition This property contains a name of the category scheme. May be repeated for different versions of the name.
Range rdfs:Literal
Requirement level mandatory
Cardinality 1